Monday, April 30, 2012

London 2012

The summer is fast approaching and this summer there is an event that happens every four years. I am talking about the summer Olympic that are taking place in London, England. The London games are only eighty-eight days away and will start on July 27 through August 12. The London games will have total of twenty-six sports which breakdown into thirty-nine specialties. The London games are expected to have about 205 countries that will take part in 300 events during the two weeks of the games. London, England has hosted the Olympics two other times in 1908 and 1948, so this is the third time. One major difference at these games will be that NBC will be broadcasting all the events live online.

Two sports were eliminated from the Olympic Games and they were softball and baseball.  No new sport was added to London 2012 games but now there will be mixed doubles in tennis and three weight classes in women’s boxing. I cannot wait to see what the U.S does this summer at the London games. I wonder if we can win the total medal count again. Will Michael Phillips top his last Olympic performance from 2008?  Will the USA basketball repeat with the gold medal? So Many questions for the summer games, but we all will have to wait until July 27 to find out.

Legendary Basketball Coach Larry Brown hired by SMU

A week ago coaching legend Larry Brown was hired by Southern Methodist University.  SMU is moving to the Big East in all sports, so to hire a well known coach like Larry Brown is a great move. Coach Brown has won a NCAA Championship with Kansas and an NBA championship with the Detroit Pistons. The SMU job is his first college job in nearly a quarter century that is crazy to think about. SMU is hoping that Coach Brown can turn around their basketball program which has not won an NCAA tournament game since the late 80’s.

However Coach Brown in the last few days has been making headlines that I believe that do not put him in a positive light. First on the Dan Patrick radio show, Larry Brown questioned the people around Michael Jordan. I have no problem with him saying that, but I believe he should have kept to himself. I do agree with what he said about Michael Jordan and it would be nice to see the Bobcats doing well. So you agree with what Coach Brown said about Michael Jordan and the people around him? The other headline Larry Brown has made is that he has cut a few of the SMU basketball players. My problem with what he did is that he has only been the SMU coach for a few days. I understand that things like this happen all the time in college sports but to do that in the first few days is just unprofessional in my opinion. So what do you think about Larry Brown cutting several players? Was it the right time or not the right time?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Minnesota Vikings stadium Bill passes in the Minnesota Senate

This past Friday in St. Paul, Minnesota the Minnesota Senate committee closely approved a public subsidy to help the Vikings build a new Stadium and stay in the Twin Cities. This action ends the rumors of the Minnesota Vikings moving elsewhere for now. It is interesting to note that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and Pittsburgh Steelers owner Art Rooney made a visit to Governor Mark Dayton. Basically they met with the Governor and the Minnesota officials to let them know that if they cannot build a new stadium that they could lose the Vikings. This issue has been going on for many years now and the Vikings and the NFL have grown tired of the Minnesota government dragging their feet on this issue.

However the bill still has a long way to go but the Minnesota Senate committee voted to give the new stadium bill $ 975 million. This all happened only few days after the Minnesota House committee voted down the Stadium bill. Commissioner Goodell said that the meeting posed no threats or ultimatums but I find that hard to believe. So who knows what will happen next in the saga of the Vikings pursuit of a new stadium. What do you think will happen to the Minnesota Vikings? Will they end up leaving for sunny California or will they stay in the Twin Cities?

Fenway Park Celebrates it's 100th Birthday!

If you love or hate the Boston Red Sox the one thing that you cannot hate is Fenway ballpark, which is turning 100th this year.  Fenway ballpark is the oldest ballpark in Major League Baseball. Fenway ballpark opened up on April 20, 1912 with a game against the New York Highlanders (Yankees) in which the Red Sox won 7 to 6 in 11 innings.  Red Sox owner at the time John I. Taylor decided to call the Fenway ballpark because it was in the Fenway section of Boston. Taylor is also credited for changing the team name from the Americans to the Red Sox.

Fenway has many famous parts of the ballpark, the most famous is the Green Monster which is the highest outfield in baseball. The wall was originally made of wood but it burnt down during a fire at the ballpark in 1934.  So how did the Green Monster get it’s name?  Well it wasn’t until 1947 when the Red Sox decided to paint the wall green over the advertisements.  The next famous part of Fenway is Pesky Pole, which is named after famous lefty Jonny Pesky. So you wonder how it became Pesky Pole? It is because Jonny Pesky hit so many homeruns of the pole which is only 302 feet from home plate. The interesting fact about the Pesky Pole is that much of the truth is tied up in urban myth.  Many people said that Red Sox Broadcaster Mel Parnell is the person who is credited with giving the Pesky Pole its name.

 However Fenway ballpark is also know for the many great moments that have happened in the last 100 years.  There are so many of them but here are few of my favorite movements at Fenway Park.  First is Ted Williams hitting a homer in his last at bat at Fenway ballpark on September 28, 1960. Second is Carlton Fisk’s winning home run of game six of the 1975 World Series against the Cincinnati Reds.  My next favorite is the dramatic comeback that the Red Sox made in the 2004 ALCS against the New York Yankees. The final favorite of mine is getting the 86 year curse of Babe Ruth to end, and living to see the Boston Red Sox win a World Series.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Georgia State leaving the CAA for the Sun Belt Conference

The news of Georgia State University leaving the CAA for the Sun Belt conference took me by surprise. I was surprised because the CAA just signed a television deal with NBC Sports network. Georgia State has been in the CAA since 2005 and before that they were in the Sun Belt. Georgia State was one of the founding schools of the Sun Belt Conference.

 I believe the surprise of changing Conference by GSU has to do with football, just like all the others. Georgia State University did not have an active football program until 2010 and the next season will be their only season in the CAA before they join the Sun Belt conference in all sports. Georgia State will have to pay the CAA $250,000 exit fee and then they have to pay $300,000 to enter the Sun Belt Conference. Georgia State becomes the 11th football school in the Sun Belt conference and the Sun Belt wants to add one more football school to the conference.

However I wonder what is the CAA going to do now that Georgia State University is leaving the CAA. I believe that the CAA will replace another school in GSU spot. Some of the rumored schools to replace GSU are Radford, VMI, Costal Carolina, Davidson and UNC- Charlotte. I believe the best school to replace GSU would be Davidson. Davidson would be a great replacement because in the last few years their basketball program has done really well. The CAA is known best for its basketball schools, so adding a school like Davidson would be a plus. Another reason that Davidson is a good fit for the CAA is because it is in Charlotte, North Carolina giving the CAA another big market to go into. So what you think the CAA will do about Georgia State leaving? Who do you think they will find to replace GSU?

New Orleans Saints owner Tom Benson surprised the sports world when he bought the New Orleans Hornets for $338 million dollars from the NBA on Friday April 13. This means that Hornets will be staying in New Orleans for the foreseeable future. As the new owner of the Hornets Mr. Benson has been rewarded with hosting 2014 NBA All-Star game.

I wonder why Mr. Benson waited so long to buy the Hornets, when they have been for sale for quite awhile. I question Mr. Benson’s ability to manage a NBA Basketball team because Mr. Benson has only owned football teams in the past. In addition, Mr. Benson had to be pushed into the bidding war for the Hornets by Gov. Bobby Jindal and NBA Commissioner David Stern.  Jeff Duncan from the Times- Picayune confirms my suspicion and says that “only a few years ago Benson so detested the Hornets he wouldn't even return owner George Shinn's phone calls. At best, his organization gave the Hornets the cold shoulder. At worst, he tried to run them out of town.” One huge advantage for the New Orleans Hornets and their fans is that they do not have to worry about being moved to Seattle or Sacramento. I hope Mr. Benson leads this team in a positive way and changes New Orleans attitude toward NBA Basketball. So what do you think will happen to the New Orleans Hornets under Mr. Benson?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Possibility of a new stadium in Richmond,Virginia

Many of you probably do not know, the struggle that Richmond teams have been going throught for as long as I can remember. The Diamond which is the current Baseball stadium in Richmond, Virgina is twenty- six years old. The Atlanta Braves had their triple A team the Richmond Braves there from 1966-2008. The Atlanta Braves tried for many years to get a new stadium in Richmond and they had trouble with finding the financial support for the project.   Most recently the Richmond Flying Squirrels who came to Richmond year after the Atlanta Braves move their triple A team to Georgia. The Flying Squirrels are getting farther than the Richmond Braves did in their pursuit of a new stadium. The Flying squirrels have a great location in mind that would be the best fit. The location is the city of Richmond Vehicle Fleet Depot that is right behind the Diamond.

 A new stadium is necessary for both the sports community and the city of Richmond as a whole. First of all the construction of the stadium will bring jobs to Richmond and the surrounding counties. Secondly, it would bring revenue to the local restaurants and help businesses during the season. The new stadium would revitalize the area and give Richmonders  another reason to come downtown. Richmond has so much to offer why not add a new stadium to the list of well known Richmond landmarks.  

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

So do you remember Ryan Leaf? You will now!

So do you remember Ryan Leaf? Well let me remind you who Ryan Leaf is: In 1998 he was the second overall pick in the NFL draft behind Peyton Manning.  He was drafted by the San Diego Chargers for a four year contract totaling $42 million dollars. However he did not perform well in his time in San Diego and was released by the Charges in March of 2001. After that he was with a few other teams but still did not have any success with them.  After he retired, he was considered to be the biggest bust in NFL history.

He is no longer playing for the NFL but he is getting a lot press for his arrests in the last week. He was arrested in this hometown of Great Falls, Montana on Friday night and again on Monday morning for allegedly stealing painkillers. He was charged with two felony counts of burglary, two felony counts of possession of dangerous drugs, two misdemeanor counts of theft, and probation violation. There have been more people that are coming forward about possible claims of Ryan Leaf stealing their prescription drugs.

To hear about former professional athletes who are struggling with life after being in the spot light, really saddens me.  Professional athletes get really fat contracts and live the life but some of them do not know how to handle it when it is over. Does anyone know if any of the major sports leagues have programs to help athletes adjust to life outside their sport?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

End of Tebow time, Hello Peyton Manning!

This week a huge NFL free agent saga finally was answered when Peyton manning signed a $96 million dollar contract with the Denver Broncos.  The contract with the Broncos is five years but there are a few provisions that can change Peyton Manning’s paycheck based on his physical exam.  The Denver Broncos promised him $18 million guaranteed next year and $20 million in 2013 if he pass his physical exam.   After months of back of back and forth with the Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay was cut from the team.  

                When the Denver Broncos came out of nowhere to enter the Peyton Manning sweepstakes, the sports community was surprised because of what Tim Tebow did with the Denver Broncos last season. I personally was really surprised because John Elway said “Tim Tebow’s not going anywhere, I mean, he’s going to be a Bronco and we’re going to do everything we can and hopefully he’s that guy.” Manning said that he would be pleased to have Tim Tebow has a teammate but if he leaves Manning wishes him the best.    Peyton Manning seemed happy with choosing the Denver Broncos because he said “the Broncos were just a great fit” and that Denver is a “special football environment”

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Reflection on Interning at CAA Men’s Basketball Championship

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to intern for the Colonial Athletic Association for their Men’s Basketball Championship. I was a part of the Marketing Team with six other intern. We were responsible for getting the halftime and post games stats to fans in the coaches box and to other officials, selling t-shirts, putting up signs , helping with halftime shows, taking tickets to will call, prepare for press-conference, helping point out unruly fans, other important duties.

 There were many advantages to work with the CAA during the tournament. For example I was entitled to free admission to the games, I had an all-access pass to the Richmond Coliseum, and I also got free parking, free catered food, and was able to talk to media and all the CAA Athletic Director.  Another advantage of working for the CAA during tournament it the great opportunity to network with sports media professionals. I also enjoyed seeing and supporting the three senior players for Mason in their finals games in the conference. Overall this mini internship was great to build many new relationships in the sports community and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to get some experience in sports marketing or sports communication.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Semifinals and Final of the CAA Basktball Tournament

On Sunday, the tournament resumes with #1 Drexel (26-5) vs. #4 Old Dominion (20-12) at 2:30pm at the Richmond Coliseum.  Let’s not forget that Old Dominion has won the last two CAA championships, but Old Dominion just lost to Drexel in their final regular season game, only losing 73-72.   I think the game will be close in the first half, but in the second half, I think freshman point guard Damion Lee will light up Old Dominion to carry his team in the Final on Monday evening. However, I will not put it past Senior Kent Bazemore and coach Blaine Taylor to come up plan to keep this game interest to the last seconds of the game.

The next game will have #2 VCU (26-6) vs. #3 George Mason (24-8) at 4:30pm. This game is the rubber match in the series, since these will be the third time these two powerhouse teams meet. Both teams have won a game in their home court. VCU defense is the ranked in the top ten in the nation, and George Mason turns over the ball a lot, but has the highest scoring average in the CAA this season. So, I this game is going to be like the first game not the second game, because I think it will be close and come down to the final shot. My prediction is biased, but I predict that GMU will win this game and this will send the Patriots to the championship game.
On Monday evening at 7:00pm, live from the Richmond Coliseum, you will have the #1 Drexel Dragons (27-5) vs. #3 George Mason (25-8).   The game will have last year’s and this year’s regular season champs playing each other. These two teams played each other once this season, with Drexel winning at home 60-53.  I think George Mason will win this game because the game will be on a neutral court and the Patriots will have a plan to stop freeman Damion Lee.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2012 CAA Men's Basketball Tournamnet opening rounds

This Friday is the start of the CAA Men’s Basketball Tournament at the Richmond Coliseum.  I want to preview the Friday and Saturday games.  Here are pick games being play on Friday March 2,2012: First is #8 James Madison (12-19) vs. #9 UNCW (9-20). I think that UNCW will put off the upset win here because they have played well against the higher rank CAA teams this year and almost won.  The next game is #5 Delaware(17-12) vs.  #12 Towson(1-30), I think this match is the easiest one to predict because Towson is 1-30. Enough said. #7 Northeastern (13-6) vs. #10 William and Mary (6-25): I believe that Northeastern has this one because they are around better team this season. The last game on Friday is  #6 Georgia State (20-10) vs. #11 Hofstra (10-21), I predict that Georgia State will breeze thought Hofstra, because George State in recent years has done well in the opening  round of  the tournament.

On Saturday the CAA Men’s Basketball Tournament resumes with #9 UNCW (10-20) vs. #1 Drexel (25-5) and I predict that Drexel will wipe the floor with the Seahawks. The next game will have #4 Old Dominion (19-12) vs. #5 Delaware (18-12), there is another possible of an upset here but I pick Old Dominion to win this match up.  At six pm is the #2 VCU(25-6) vs. #7 Northeastern( 14-16). This game is going to be close but with VCU’s great defense, I predict VCU to win. Then to close out the action packed Saturday you have #3 George Mason (23-8) vs. #6 Georgia State (21-10).  I predict that George Mason will win this game but hopefully will not turn the ball too much and it they get lead, do not let Georgia State get back into the game.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Was justice served for Yeardley Love?

On Wednesday, February 22, the verdict came down in the George Huguely trial in Charlottesville, VA. The Jury convicted George Huguely a former University of Virginia lacrosse player of second –degree murder of Yeardley Love and of grand larceny conviction.  Love was a student at UVA and a star on the Women’s lacrosse team. Later in the day, the Jury recommended to the judge a 25 year prison sentence and one more year for the grand larceny conviction.  George Huguely was found not guilty on few other charges including breaking and entering and burglary. The Jury convicted Huguley on second degree instead of first degree or life in jail because there was no premeditation of George Huguely wanting to murder Yeardley Love. George Huguely will formally be sentenced on April 16 and from what I have read and heard is that the judge will gave George Huguely the 26 years recommend by the jury.

So was justice served for Yeardley Love and her family? Well I do not believe that Justice served for Yeardley Love and her family. No one really comes out as the winner in all of this. First both families lose, the Charlottesville community loses, The University of Virginia loses, Love’s teammates lose, and Love’s friends lose to name a few. My Cousin knew Yeardley Love since he played Lacrosse for University of North Carolina and one of his teammates was dating Love off and on. He told me that she was a very smart person, who cared about others and who would have very success once she graduated college. So to lose someone like Yeardley Love is beyond words and 26 years cannot bring Love back and all the pain it has caused. I personally wish that he could have gotten a much longer sentence or life in jail because once he gets out jail, he can start a new life.  Yeardley Love will never have a chance to start a new life or anything else.

Which major sport in the United States has the best All-Star game?


This weekend is the 2012 NBA All-Star game in Orlando, Florida. These gets me think which major sport in the United States has the best All-Star game. Is it Major league Baseball, National Basketball Association, National Football League, or National Hockey League?

Well the MLB All-Star game hosted in July and it the halfway point in the season. They have the Homerun Derby and the Futures Game. The winning conference in the MLB All-Star game gets home field advantage in the World Series. The NBA All-Star game happens in the month of February and has few events over three days. Starting with the Rising Star Challenge, then skills competition like the Sprite Slam Dunk and ending with All-Star game itself. The winning conference does not get an advantage in the NBA finals, they only the satisfaction of beating the other conference. *The NHL has its annual All-Star game in the month of January, which is the midway point of the season. They have skills competitions over few days leading up the All-Star game. The Winner of the NHL All-Star game gets trophy and the satisfaction of beating the other conference. The NFL has it’s annual All-Star game (Pro Bowl), which is held in January before or after the Super Bowl. It is usually held in Hawaii, but in recent years they have moved to different locations.  The winner of the Pro Bowl gets a trophy for their conference, but the interesting thing about the Pro Bowl is that all the players in each conference get paid.

I think that when it comes down to which major sport in America has the best All-Star game, the winner is the MLB All-Star game because one team will get home field advantage in the World Series. The American and National league players take this game seriously unlike the NFL Pro Bowl, which is becoming a joke. What do you think? Do you agree with me?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Will the Sacramento Kings stay or leave?

There is a debate raging in Northern California this week. The Sacramento Kings are fighting once again to stay in Sacramento, California. A year ago they fought and petitioned to the NBA to halt the Maloof brothers from moving the team from Sacramento to Anaheim, California. The reason they were able to get one more year in was due to Kevin Johnson former NBA point guard who is now the mayor of Sacramento, and has energized the city to the point where now they have a plan and they are approaching some key deadlines in order to get a new arena. They have a hedge fund billionaire who will help out with the money so hopefully that will get them to the 400 million mark to build the new arena. The one thing that a lot of people don’t realize is that the Power Balance Arena was built in 1988 and lacks many of the new amenities in arenas now including club seating and suites. Power Balance Arena is the smallest arena in the NBA today and is the most outdated. If they do not get a new stadium agreement reached, there is the potential that they could still go to Anaheim but there’s been a lot of talk of them going to Seattle to replace the Supersonics that left in 2008 for Oklahoma City, OK. I hope they stay in Sacramento because the fans of Sacramento are definitely worthy of keeping them and it is the only team in the city so it is nice to see cities with a team to root for.  

CAA Signs a Five- Year Deal with NBC Sports Network

        Yesterday the CAA agreed with NBC Sports network to a five year deal. The CAA is the first college conference to sign on with NBC Sports Network, which is available in 75 million homes. There will be 12 games minimum televised and minimum of five regular-season football games per season. This is great exposure for other universities that do not receive as much attention from the media and the national exposure could serve as a recruiting tool too. This agreement benefits the entire CAA sports community including alumni who no longer live in the area. According to Commissioner of the CAA Tom Yeager “it was an opportunity, I think, to look at something where we could expand upon the existing relationship that we have had (with regional providers), and had a very viable national exposure opportunity.”
      I think this means we can celebrate as CAA fans because the little conference that could is now on a national network with 12-18 games with national exposure. So what do you think of this new television  deal? What impact does this new television deal have on George Mason specifically?  Are there any consequences to having less exposure on ESPN? In the end CAA and its members maintain their position as one of the best mid-major conferences in the country

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The upgrades to the Patriot Center

When I went to the Homecoming game at the Patriot Center on Saturday, I noticed for the first time a new scoreboard and 15 LCD screens surrounding the arena. To my knowledge, in my research, the scoreboard weighs the same amount as the old one did, but it has more features like player fouls and individual points. I also noticed the end-zone LCD screens which was great because you could see a player’s profile picture and stats. I also found out during the homecoming game that they are going to put up 10 High Definition TV’s on the concourse, so that should be a bonus for the fan experience.

I think these improvements are good, but there are still many issues that need to be addressed in the Patriot Center. First, we need to replace the seats that are there now with some new seats. They need to find a better way to entertain fans who pay season tickets. They also need to repaint the stairs in the arena, and the section numbers, too.

I hope these improvements that have happened already, and the ones I’m hoping for, keep the Patriot Center thriving, and make the experience better for players, staff, concert goers and everybody who visits the Center. The University needs to think about the future of the Patriot Center: do they want to do an addition? Do they want to rebuild? Either way, we need to make sure that the Patriot Center is an updated, comfortable venue so that fans and players want to participate in Mason Sports.

So is Virginia Tech athletics overated?

Growing up in Richmond, Virginia I was constantly reminded by friends, radio hosts, and TV reporters, that Virginia Tech was and is one of the top athletic programs in college sports. I am biased because I am a diehard Virginia fan, but I do not understand why Virginia Tech gets so much attention when they have not even won a national championship in their two main sports in almost 20 years .

 The football program at VT has come a long way since its national debut in the Sugar Bowl in 1995. However, they have not lived up to hype! First, they are 1 in 5 in the Bowl Championship Series. Second, they have never won a national championship. Yes, Virginia Tech has won a lot of ACC Championships, and have gone to some big BCS ball games, but the ACC is a basketball conference, not a football conference. Another fun fact is that Virginia Tech football has never been number one in the country in the final college football rankings.   After knowing these facts, does Virginia Tech deserve to be called an elite program?

As for their second big program, the Virginia Tech basket ball team, they have also been inconsistent for many years.  Virginia Tech, to their credit, has won two national championships in the NIT (in 1973 and 1995) but the NIT tournament hasn’t been relevant for quite a long time. That leads me to the NCAA tournament where championships DO matter, and the Virginia Tech Hokies have not been in the NCAA basketball tournament since 2007. Fans, coaches and players feel like they have earned a right to be in the NCAA tournament because they’re always on the bubble.  But critics say they haven’t had enough good conference wins or a good non-conference schedule to help their cause in the end to get them in. One of the basketball program’s biggest problems is also that they cannot compete on the level that their football team competes when it comes to recruiting athletes. They have had a few good players that have helped elevate their program, but they haven’t had enough.

Now that I’ve talked about both programs I hope you see that V-Tech is not as great as they perceive themselves to be.