Monday, April 23, 2012

Minnesota Vikings stadium Bill passes in the Minnesota Senate

This past Friday in St. Paul, Minnesota the Minnesota Senate committee closely approved a public subsidy to help the Vikings build a new Stadium and stay in the Twin Cities. This action ends the rumors of the Minnesota Vikings moving elsewhere for now. It is interesting to note that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and Pittsburgh Steelers owner Art Rooney made a visit to Governor Mark Dayton. Basically they met with the Governor and the Minnesota officials to let them know that if they cannot build a new stadium that they could lose the Vikings. This issue has been going on for many years now and the Vikings and the NFL have grown tired of the Minnesota government dragging their feet on this issue.

However the bill still has a long way to go but the Minnesota Senate committee voted to give the new stadium bill $ 975 million. This all happened only few days after the Minnesota House committee voted down the Stadium bill. Commissioner Goodell said that the meeting posed no threats or ultimatums but I find that hard to believe. So who knows what will happen next in the saga of the Vikings pursuit of a new stadium. What do you think will happen to the Minnesota Vikings? Will they end up leaving for sunny California or will they stay in the Twin Cities?

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