Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Will the Sacramento Kings stay or leave?

There is a debate raging in Northern California this week. The Sacramento Kings are fighting once again to stay in Sacramento, California. A year ago they fought and petitioned to the NBA to halt the Maloof brothers from moving the team from Sacramento to Anaheim, California. The reason they were able to get one more year in was due to Kevin Johnson former NBA point guard who is now the mayor of Sacramento, and has energized the city to the point where now they have a plan and they are approaching some key deadlines in order to get a new arena. They have a hedge fund billionaire who will help out with the money so hopefully that will get them to the 400 million mark to build the new arena. The one thing that a lot of people don’t realize is that the Power Balance Arena was built in 1988 and lacks many of the new amenities in arenas now including club seating and suites. Power Balance Arena is the smallest arena in the NBA today and is the most outdated. If they do not get a new stadium agreement reached, there is the potential that they could still go to Anaheim but there’s been a lot of talk of them going to Seattle to replace the Supersonics that left in 2008 for Oklahoma City, OK. I hope they stay in Sacramento because the fans of Sacramento are definitely worthy of keeping them and it is the only team in the city so it is nice to see cities with a team to root for.  

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